Deer Hunters 02/22/23 1:10:24 PM
When our spring seed arrives, we will post an announcement here! From start to finish, let us help you plan your deer plot: Unsure of your soil? Bring in a soil sample and we will have it lab tested ($25.00 cost, subject to change.) When the results come in, our guys will work with you on how to amend the soil for better results.
To prepare your plot, we have a generic round up at 41% Glyphosate to kill off everything green & growing.
For soil improvements, we carry granular lime, sulfer, peat moss, and fertilizers.
Purchasing the variety of seeds for your plot can be either from commercial blends of Brier Ridge, Country Deer Trail Mix, & Bull's Eye Turnip Wildlife Mix from La Crosse Seed Company or customizing your own blend. Choose from 5 kinds of Clovers: Aliske, Ladino, Red, White & Yellow; Brassicas: Kale, Sugar Beets, Radish, Trophy Rape, Turnips; Legumes: Austrian Peas, Soybeans (Forage style or the "Farmer style" that sets more pods); and Wildflowers/Forbs: Buckwheat, Chicory, Wildlife Dwarf Black Oil Sunflower. We also carry: regular Oats, Buck Forage Oats, Fall/Winter Rye, Wheat, Corn, Wildlife Sorghum. Most available either by the pound or a 50# Bag.
Having issues with grass in your food plot? Check out the grass killers we have that will not harm your folage!
To enhance the deer's well being, consider offering throughout the year one of our mineral blends in different formats: Kress Kustom Deer Mineral Mix, Deer & Elk Pellets from Deerlicious, & Mineral Block 25# (cherry rush scented); Purina's Antler Max 33# Block (acorn scented), 12# & 20# Trophy Rocks, and 30# Trophy 65 Supplement or ask us for suggestions for your land. Happy Hour is a super concentrated liquid mineral attractant with a Cherry Rush scent. When the time for hunting draws near, we have shelled corn, roasted soybeans, raw soybeans, molasses, and Apple Scent from Deerlicious . We also stock from Big Tine: Last Call Attractant, Cover Scent (Cherry Rush)
For questions about your deer plot and all your feed needs, please call us at 920-989-1442 or send us a message using the Contact Us button.